Aisling Gheal lyrics in English

Aisling Gheal lyrics in English

Verse 1:
In the dawn’s first light, where dreams start to unfold,
I see a vision shining, a story to be told.
Through the mist of morning, in the hush of day’s embrace,
Aisling Gheal appears before me, with a gentle, timeless grace.

Aisling Gheal, bright and clear,
Guide me through the shadows, bring your vision near.
In the dance of daylight, in the whispers of the breeze,
Aisling Gheal, let your light bring peace.

Verse 2:
In the fields of golden whispers, where the wildflowers grow,
There’s a light that guides the seeker, a path that’s pure and slow.
With every step I follow, where the bright vision leads,
I find a world of wonder, where my spirit’s heart is freed.

Aisling Gheal, bright and clear,
Guide me through the shadows, bring your vision near.
In the dance of daylight, in the whispers of the breeze,
Aisling Gheal, let your light bring peace.

When the night seems endless, and the stars begin to fade,
I’ll hold onto the vision, to the promises you’ve made.
In the stillness and the quiet, where the dreams and daylight blend,
Aisling Gheal, your bright vision is the light that never ends.

Aisling Gheal, bright and clear,
Guide me through the shadows, bring your vision near.
In the dance of daylight, in the whispers of the breeze,
Aisling Gheal, let your light bring peace.

So I’ll walk with hope and wonder, where your bright vision shows,
In the light of Aisling Gheal, every dream and heart will grow.
Aisling Gheal, your guiding light will always lead the way,
In the beauty of your vision, I’ll find my path each day.

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